Anxiety vs. Gratitude

Anxiety vs. Gratitude

Posted by Joann on 17th Aug 2020

There is no doubt that the year 2020 has been anything less than ideal. If you ask people their opinion, you will most likely hear phrases like "uncertain," "crazy," "new normal," "hopeless," and the list may go on and on. The uncertainties in the world are huge right now, leaving people feeling overwhelmed and anxious about the future.

A favorite author and speaker of mine, Max Lucado, wrote in his book entitled Anxious for Nothing the following thought: Worry refuses to share the heart with gratitude. [Anxious for Nothing, p. 95]

I love that thought! Let's face it. We all have so much to be grateful and thankful for. So will you try it? Next time one of those anxious thoughts rears its ugly head, make a list of things for which you are grateful. You will be pleasantly surprised to find the anxiety lifting. Why? Because anxiety and gratitude refuse to share the same heart.

Grateful and thankful. May this be the answer for changing your "stressed" into "blessed."


(To order the Grateful Thankful & Blessed sign, click here.)

(To order Anxious for Nothing, click here.)